CREA Café Blog
Connecting REALTORS® with the most up-do-date listing data –anytime, anywhere.
The REALTOR.ca Member app was developed exclusively for REALTORS®. With it, you can monitor listing statistics and keep your clients informed with just a few taps.
The one-time set up allows you to provide insights and engage with your clients consistently. The set up is simple: choose a client from your contacts, select the frequency and delivery method, add a custom message, and you’re done!
Recap and analyze your listings statistics to get a complete picture of how well your marketing plan worked and what you can adapt next time. Only on the REALTOR.ca Member app are statistics for inactive listings accessible for 90 days.
The REALTOR.ca Member app makes it easy to access the listing information you need, straight from your mobile device.
“The REALTOR.ca Member app certainly has helped me quickly reach out to a prospect from my phone by just clicking the number to call/text. With this information at our fingertips, it allows us [REALTORS® who are always on the go] to be in touch with up-to-date info.”