From the Ashes: A First-Hand Experience with Homelessness in Canada

All week (November 23 – 27, 2020), REALTORS® across the country have come together to learn more about the issue of homelessness and what we can all do to ensure all Canadians have a safe and affordable place to call home.
To understand about the needs and the complexities of the issue, we started by listening. During our Virtual Conference on Homelessness on Tuesday, we were honoured to hear from Métis-Cree best-selling author and Ph.D. candidate Jesse Thistle and his personal experience in and out of homelessness. During the event, we were blessed with a retelling of his journey and further look at the issues that led to – and helped him from – homelessness.
In REAL TIME Episode 9, out now, we take a closer look at some of these issues and what steps REALTORS® can take to help end and prevent homelessness in their communities and beyond.
In the episode, Thistle graces us with an emotional reading from his best-selling book From the Ashes.
We also hear snippets from the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, and the conversation he had with CREA CEO Michael Bourque during PAC Days 2020 about the Canadian government’s position on eliminating chronic homelessness.
Listen to the full episode and then join us in action. Please take a minute to add your name to our letter to Minister Hussen, urging the government to prioritize the necessary policies and investments to end and prevent homelessness in Canada.