How to Retire From the Real Estate Industry

While I know retirement isn’t for everyone, I find it interesting how many people in the real estate industry continue to work later in life. I’m talking about people in their 60s, 70s and sometimes even well into their 80s.
Not ready to retire? Read about two REALTORS® who refused to slow down, even as they approached 100!
I turned 65 in October 2021, and after more than 40 years as a REALTOR®—including the last 35 years as a broker/owner—I officially retired on July 1, 2022. It’s a decision I had made a couple of years in advance of my projected retirement date and absolutely nothing over those last couple of years transpired to make me change my mind. I’ve had the gift of relatively good health, have accumulated some semblance of financial security and was ready and excited to move on to the next chapter of my life.
While I may not be an expert, if you’re considering retiring over the next couple years, here are some personal tips I learned to help make your retirement the most pleasant experience possible:
1) Get professional help
Please read this one twice. As a REALTOR®, we know the importance of having a professional by your side. Take your own advice and hire a professional to help with your transition and plan your retirement. You can’t do this on your own.
Look for an investment expert who specializes in retirements. You may have to interview a few potential candidates before you find the right expert for your journey (like how a home buyer may interview a few REALTORS® before they choose you). This should be done a few years before your planned retirement date. You’ll need at least few years to get your finances in order.
Tip: It’s never too early to start planning for your retirement. Even folks in their 20s and 30s can speak to a trusted advisor about a retirement savings plan.
2) Stay active
During your real estate career, you were probably involved with several volunteer groups within the REALTOR® association community or your own community. Don’t stop. Maybe even consider expanding your volunteer services. It will keep your mind sharp, make your community a better place to live and will expand your sphere of influence to people you never even thought of when you were working.
3) Enjoy quality time with family and friends
Reacquaint yourself with family and friends, young and old. While you were carving out a living during the past umpteen years, you may have taken for granted these people of importance, people who are close to you. Bring them back into your world. I guarantee you will not regret this decision!
4) Stop and smell the roses
Get used to a slower pace. No more listing appointments, no more showings and no more clients touching base with you at all hours of the day. You can do what you want and when you want to do it. Afterall, isn’t that exactly what you worked all those years for!
Happy retirement, you have most certainly earned it!

Leo Zelinski
I agree with planning your retirement but not too early, I just turned 83 and still active after 46 years in the business., must be the Saskatchewan rural work ethic. When people ask why I'm still working I say its a hobby but I get paid for it, so kinda makes it a job. Its the thrill of the deal that makes it exciting, but not all the forms and deteriating of ethics in the business is making it tiresome, and looking forward to other adventures.